Consumer Product Development

Company: Reemo (formerly Playtabase)

Industry: Home Automation

HQ: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA


Based in Minneapolis, Reemo (formerly Playtabase) is a technology company focused on making IoT solutions to improve safety and empower its users to live a more independent life

Product/Project Highlights

Reemo (formerly Playtabase)

Client: PlayTaBase

  • IoT interface seamlessly connects family members, care providers and seniors
  • Monitors daily activity and helps identify if user is at a higher risk of an incident
  • Controls connected household devices from inside the house and miles away
  • Teachable interface allows easy set up

During the recent boom in the technology surrounding the Internet of Things (IoT), the most overlooked user population has arguably been the senior community. With often limited mobility and varying amounts of vulnerability, Reemo sought a solution to give independence to a community that is slowly losing it. Reemo’s purpose is to connect the human to their house using IoT technology. By performing simple hand gestures, the user could control many connected devices from a distance, including lights, door locks, and thermostats. Solid was happy to participate in the design and development.

Reemo (formerly Playtabase)

Client: PlayTaBase

Excitement grew as the Reemo team shared their vision. The Solid Team led a brainstorming session where target market, features, characteristics, and user needs were discussed. From that conversation a detailed requirements document was created and then several concepts were developed. Since the final product would be a wearable device, requirements emphasized that it should be fashionable. Each concept was complete with band style and interface design. Different materials and colours were rendered to check the degree of customization that would be possible to produce and marketed. 3D printed models allowed better understanding of size and shape of the competing concepts. Once the preferred concept was chosen, the design was fully modelled as a manufacturable product, including all electronic hardware, in SolidWorks CAD software. Prototype circuit boards and assemblies where prototyped which allowed for continued development of the product firmware and software, as well as design and development of the associated charging and signal-receiving products.

The Reemo Gesture Controlled Interface is an Internet of Things (IoT) solution to control multiple connected household devices from inside the house and miles away. Using a phone application and fashionable wristband, the Reemo Gesture Controlled Interface allows the user to control IoT enabled appliances and mechanisms within the home setting, with simple hand gestures. Developed with the senior community in mind, the wristband also acts as a sensor to notify off-site caregivers of possible traumatic events that may trigger the immediate need for a visit or check-in.

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